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Term of use for workshops

Of September 15, 2020

I. General Provision


  1. These Regulations apply to the rules of organization and conditions of participation in workshops held on the premises or organized by Earthosphere, organized by an external entity or Earthosphere, which is each time announced in the description of the event

  2. These Regulations are addressed to each individual or company using the services provided by the Organizer.

  3. The participant agrees to the processing of his personal data by the Organizer within the meaning of the Act of May 10, 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws 2019, item 1781) and the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Journal of Laws UE L 119 of 04/05/2016, p. 1), in order to carry out the sales process and communication after the end of the Service.


II. Terminology


  1. Organizer - Patrycja Léonard-Pawluk running a business under the name Ziemiosfera with its registered office at ul. Dmowskiego 10 a and b, 80-264 Gdańsk, NIP number: 9571017458 and REGON number: 384831309;

  2. Service - workshops organized at the seat of the Earthosphere or by the Earthosphere

  3. Participant - a person who uses the Service offered by the Organizer;

  4. Agreement - an agreement concluded between the Organizer and the Participant, under which the Participant acquires the right to participate in the workshops;

  5. Website - the Organizer's website available at:


III. Characteristics of the service


  1. The organizer organizes workshops for adults and separate, dedicated workshops for children. Their guardians are responsible for the children participating in the workshops.

  2. Workshops take place at the headquarters of Ziemiosfera at ul. Dmowskiego 10 in Gdańsk or in a place designated by the Organizer.

  3. The number of places at the workshops is limited and determined by the Organizer.

  4. Information describing: the thematic scope, cost, start date and time, duration and menu of the workshops are posted by the Organizer on the Website no later than on the day of the workshop.

  5. The workshops are educational and entertaining. Only in the case of workshops conducted by Patrycja Leonard-Pawluk or Francois Leonard, the Organizer provides Participants with knowledge on a given topic and practical training of the skills specified in the event description. In the case of a tutor other than those mentioned above, he is responsible for the appropriate transfer of knowledge and skills, i.e. he takes full responsibility for the workshops he conducts, the safety of the gathered people and their satisfaction. The Organizer is not responsible for the extent to which the knowledge and skills will be acquired by the Participants.

  6. Workshops can be conducted by one, two or more people.

  7. Within 7 working days from the end of the workshop, the organizer who conducts the workshop will send a set of information / presentations or post-workshop regulations to the e-mail address provided by each Participant during registration, which will help to systematize knowledge and / or repeat a given provision. The Organizer is not responsible for failure to receive these materials if the Participant provided an incorrect e-mail address.

  8. Workshops are held in Polish, unless the description of a given workshop on the Website states that the workshop is held in a different language.


IV. Purchase of services and payment methods


  1. The purchase of the services by the Participant is tantamount to the Participant's acceptance of the details of the workshops presented on the Website.

  2. Application for participation in the workshop is possible after the Participant has read and accepted these Regulations. The purchase of the Service by the Participant is tantamount to the acceptance of the content of these Regulations by the Participant.

  3. The Participant buys the Service by selecting the topic and date of the workshop, filling in the appropriate forms on the Website and paying the fee in the amount indicated for the workshop.

  4. In the case of distance sales, payments are made via the platform: Przelewy24 or by transfer to the Organiser's bank account.

  5. The Participant who has purchased the Service receives confirmation of registration for the workshop by e-mail by the Organizer and about the acceptance of the payment by the Przelewy24 platform - depending on the option selected by the Participant.

  6. The Organizer is not responsible for the Participant's errors occurring while making the payment as a result of the Participant's failure to comply with the payment instructions via the Przelewy24 platform.

  7. The price of the workshops is determined by the Organizer and announced in the description of the workshops on the Website. In exceptional cases, the Organizer reserves the right to change the workshop price.

  8. The organizer has the right to apply discounts from the price given for the workshops.

  9. The fee paid by the Participant means the purchase of a place at selected workshops or events and includes:

    1. group classes with the teacher;

    2. all articles necessary to participate in the workshop, unless otherwise stated.

    3. the ability to use all the equipment necessary to participate in the workshops;

    4. recipes prepared during the workshops, sent to participants by e-mail after the workshop;


V. Withdrawal from the contract, resignation from workshops, cancellation of workshops


  1. The service is an educational and entertainment service, and thus the Participant who is a consumer is not entitled to withdraw from the contract, in accordance with art. 38 point 12 of the Act of May 30, 2014 on Consumer Rights.

  2. If you wish to resign, please send the cancellation of participation to the e-mail address:

  3. If the Participant resigns from participation in the workshops within 3 days before the workshop date (not including the day of the event), the Organizer shall reimburse the Participant for the fee paid by the Participant, reduced by PLN 10 of administrative costs, which include the costs of payment operators' commission. The payment will be returned to the same account from which the payment was made within 14 days from the date of the cancellation notification.

  4. In the case of the Participant's absence at the workshop without prior notification of resignation or in the case of resignation earlier than described in section V. point 3. The Organizer is not obliged to refund the fee for the workshop.

  5. The organizer reserves the right to cancel the workshops at any time, regardless of the reason. When canceling a given workshop, the Organizer may propose to the Participant a different date for the workshop on the same or a different subject, or refund the funds to the Participant's account.

  6. The participant, if it is not possible to participate in the purchased workshops, may indicate another person who will participate in these workshops instead of him. The participant must inform the Organizer about such a change by e-mail to the address no later than 1 day before the start of the workshops affected by this change. The participation of this person in the workshop is tantamount to accepting these Regulations.


VI. Rules for participation in the workshops


  1. During the workshop, the Participant is obliged to comply with the basic rules of hygiene and applicable restrictions regarding the risk of Covid-19.

  2. The participant is obliged to inform the Organizer about any infectious diseases (in particular, suspected or carrier of Covid-19), of which he is aware, and about allergies and health contraindications that may be important for his health during the workshops he participates in. Informing the Organizer does not release
    The participant is responsible for non-compliance with the rules related to nutrition and hygiene that result from his health situation. The participants are fully responsible for their health.

  3. The Participant is responsible for damages caused to himself or other Participants during the workshops, which are the result of his negligence or careless, inattentive or reckless behavior.

  4. The organizer reserves the right to document the workshops using recording devices, use audio-visual materials and publish them in the electronic media they administer (www. Facebook, instagram, etc.).

  5. Participants may not use their own food or beverages during the workshops, unless the Organizer agrees.


VII. Final Provisions


  1. These Regulations are available on the Website each time before purchasing the Service.

  2. The organizer reserves the right to amend these Regulations at any time. The change does not apply to Participants who bought the workshop and accepted the Regulations, unless they agree to such a change.

  3. These Regulations do not exclude or limit any rights of the Participant who is a consumer, which he is entitled to under the mandatory provisions of law. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of these Regulations and the mandatory provisions of law granting the consumer certain rights, these provisions shall prevail.

  4. In the event of any doubts, complaints or objections regarding the offered Service, Participants may contact the Organizer in the following ways:

    1. via e-mail:

    2. by phone at: +48 691933851.

  5. Complaints regarding the service offered are submitted in writing in the manner indicated in point 4 (a). a. Filed complaints are individually examined by the Organizer by analyzing the reservations raised by the Participant in relation to the entirety of the circumstances of the case.

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