Give box
A big part of a zero waste life style is REUSING what we have in order not to boost the demand on new earth ressources. This is why we have created an indoor give box. There are only two in whole Gdańsk and one is at Ziemiosfera. Thanks to this initiative lots of things could have a second, third and more lives.
The concept is simple, bring the things that you do not want / need anymore and put it in our Give Box. Anybody else will be welcome to pick it up. Everything is welcomed: from cups to parfumes, from DVDs to toys, anything that you think of can be put in our Give Box except clothes, shoes and big objects that does not fit. If you are not sure if you can bring sth write us a message on fb and we'll let you know!
Also, before to buy anything new, think of us and come for a visit. What you need might be waiting for you in our Give Box for free!

Book crossing
Another sharing economy initiative is a book crossing sheleve. Once we have red a book, there are few chances we 'll read it again so why not share your book collection with others? Imagine we all share a book collection .. noone would need to buy new books ~ and so many trees and ink would be saved!
Before buying new, come and have a look on our book crossing shelve!
Plant exchange

We love greenery and plants what you can feel coming to our Ziemiosfera interior garden, so within the eco initiatives we could not forget about a plant exchange point!
The roules are simple: you bring one plant and you take one that has a similar size. This way plants that are not feeling well in one home (does not have enough of light, care, humidity etc.) instead of going to BIO waste can find new home and a happy new owner;)
On the plant exchange you can also find grains and plant accessories to take.
Clothes exchange
Again - REUSE :)
Everybody has so much clothes, right?
Either you are a collector wearing clothes after your grandma, from high school etc. Either you feel like you need a fresh wind in your wardrobe with few new season pieces? Or maybe you buy only second hand and give away what you do not wear anymore? Maybe you are all of those or somewhere in between?
No matter of your clothing style or size- you can always exchange! If, as us, you are concerned about the environment you exchange with your friends, do not buy new, but sescond hand, you reuse and reuse what you already have and only buy what you really need in quality that will make this piece last, how can you get to feel awesome wearing something new?
At Ziemiosfera, we got you covered! All may and july 2021 we have organized a giving-away second hand clothes initiative. Lots of you used this opportunity to refresh your wardrobe with clothes which came from a clothes exchange we have organized. The initiative was sooo welcomed that we are seriously thinking about creating a community wardrobe where you would be able to exchange your clothes. You bring one- you take one.
So if you like the idea of a common wardrobe - boost us on google reviewes with your recommandation and stay tunned! Once this initiative will be live - we will communicate it on our social media channels;)